
Days in Japan~The third~





well,i think i should stop speaking in Japanese.
I just said Japan is too much Tightness.

and so what i was doing today is as u know i restore my blog. until noon(maybe don't knowXD).
and afternoon i got a lot of books.
I ordered before my mom gone to Shanghai.

It's cost about 300 US dollars with 30 books.
I was so so waiting for this time during my trip.

and then i ate cup noodle and take sleep.

a,i forgot to write the article with Arima Onsen.......
damn...do it tomorrow.

Then i waked up 6 o'clock in the night.
I was writing other article for top page and watching some TV.
I watched the TV called 京都地検の女"Woman in Kyoto District Public Prosecutors office".

I was quite impressed in that drama.
And also i watched the old drama called 暴れん坊将軍”Tearaway general”

i couldn't find movie for Kyoto....

then at 10 o'clock i made some Kobe beef stake for my dinner♪

ahhhh,i'm so sleepy....my head is shaking slowly.....

See u tomorrow.

にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ 人気ブログランキングへ

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